Saturday, 24 May 2014

Form - P2(c)

Form of a media products is associated with the feature of the product. The purpose of knowing the form of the media product is to know moe about the actual product and such restrictions as age and information such as duration.

Form is associated with the shape and structure of the film. The film has the duration of approximately 100 minutes and has been given a rating by the British Board of Film Classification of 12 what menas that the film has some violence and bad language that is not appropriate for children under the age of 12. The form of the movie affects the narrative and characters by keeping to the ideas and the guidelines of a particular genre. So the script has a purpose of creating an image of what the movie is going to be like. The age restriction means that the movie has inappropriate language or violence for children under 12 but this limits the range of viewers as the group from 1-12 years old can be excluded from the list. 

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